Collection of Stream Decks

Maximising Productivity: How Many Stream Decks Do You Need?

stream deck May 08, 2023

Are you constantly running out of buttons on your Stream Deck and wondering how to fit more actions into your workflow? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with this issue and search for solutions, such as Profiles, Pages, and Folders, to increase their Stream Deck's functionality. However, sometimes the best answer is simply adding another Stream Deck to your setup.

My Journey with Stream Decks

I began my Stream Deck journey with the mobile app, which offers a free trial to let users experience the magic of Stream Deck programming. I quickly realised the potential of this device and purchased a 32 Key Stream Deck XL, while still maintaining my mobile app subscription as a travel companion.

I already used USB pedals for controlling various functions on my computer, so when Stream Deck launched their Stream Deck Pedal, I immediately incorporated it into my workflow. This device's simplicity and seamless integration with the Stream Deck software proved invaluable.

Discovering the Stream Deck Plus

When I discovered the Loupedeck Live, a programmable device with dials for fine-tuning adjustments, I was intrigued but ultimately disappointed by its clunky software. However, the Stream Deck Plus resolved this issue, offering programmable dials with the same user-friendly Stream Deck software. While there's room for improvement, the Stream Deck Plus outperforms its competitor, the Loupedeck Live.

Optimising Stream Deck Usage

To maximise the efficiency of a single Stream Deck, I recommend using a "home" profile linking to all other profiles and a "home" button on each profile to return to the main menu. This system works well for organising multiple profiles and pages, but as my needs grew, I added a second Stream Deck XL and Pedal to my setup.

The Future of My Stream Deck Collection

With two pedals and one Stream Deck Plus, I feel like I have enough control over my workflow. However, I will likely add more Stream Deck XLs to take advantage of the powerful Companion app's advanced features, which can replace the Stream Deck app for programming buttons.

Want to know more about how I use multiple Stream Decks for maximum productivity? Check out my recent live stream where I discuss my personal setup of 2 Stream Deck Xls, 2 Stream Deck Pedals, and 1 Stream Deck Plus. I demonstrate how these devices work together to keep me organised, efficient, and focused, and share strategies for optimising a single Stream Deck's functionality.

"How I Use Multiple Stream Decks Together for Maximum Productivity" Watch the video!

Ready to boost your productivity with Stream Deck devices? Join our Take One Tech Academy to learn more about how Stream Decks can revolutionise your workflow and help you achieve greater efficiency in your work and life. Sign up today to access exclusive content, tips, and tricks for getting the most out of your Stream Deck experience.  Discover all that the Academy has to offer!

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