Stream Deck Profiles

Difference between Stream Deck Profiles and Folders

stream deck Jan 08, 2023

If you're a content creator, streamer, or just someone who uses a lot of different software and tools on your computer, you may be familiar with the Stream Deck – a handy little device that allows you to control your computer with customizable buttons. One of the key features of the Stream Deck is the ability to switch between different "profiles" and "folders." But what's the difference, and which one is better for your needs?

To start with, let's define what these terms mean. A "profile" on the Stream Deck refers to a specific set of button configurations that you can switch between. For example, you might have one profile for streaming, with buttons for starting and stopping your stream, muting your microphone, and switching between scenes. You might also have another profile for video editing, with buttons for launching your video editor, starting and stopping recordings, and adjusting audio levels. Essentially, a profile allows you to quickly switch between different sets of buttons based on the task you're currently working on.

On the other hand, a "folder" on the Stream Deck refers to a group of buttons that are organized into a single, expandable menu. This can be useful if you have a large number of buttons that you want to keep organized, but don't necessarily need to switch between on a regular basis. For example, you might have a folder for all of your different chat programs, with buttons for launching Skype, Discord, and Slack, or a folder for all of your different music programs, with buttons for launching Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora.

So, which one is better – profiles or folders? It really depends on your specific needs and workflow. If you find yourself constantly switching between different sets of buttons based on the task you're working on, profiles may be the way to go. They allow you to quickly switch between different configurations without having to navigate through multiple levels of menus.

On the other hand, if you don't need to switch between different sets of buttons very often, or if you have a lot of buttons that you want to keep organized, folders can be a useful way to keep things tidy. You can easily expand and collapse the folder to access the buttons you need, and keep everything else out of sight.

Ultimately, whether you choose to use profiles or folders (or a combination of both) on your Stream Deck is up to you. The important thing is to find a system that works for you and helps you be more productive. Experiment with different configurations and see what works best for your needs. 

Personally, when I discovered the full capabilities of Profiles, I never locked back to folders!  Watch the full video I did about how I use profiles here: Why Stream Deck Profiles Are Better Than Folders

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